
Welcome to GT-HUD manual!

Game success largely depends on the level of player’s information awareness. Professionally selected and easy to adapt HUDs and informative pop-ups will give you an undeniable advantage at the table.

Some sections are under construction.

Your feedback and questions are very welcome!


Limit Month 3 months 12 months
Unlimited $20 $40 ( -35%) $70 ( -70%)


If you encountered problems when paying, try to use another browser and re-order.

Telegram Help

Email: support@gthud.com
Skype: GT-Pack
Telegram EN

Features and Benefits

SHAOLIN HUD is a dynamic HUD compiled with regard to the peculiarities of playing in Asian rooms PokerBros, PokerKing, PPPoker, HHPoker, Upoker, Wepoker, COP, PokerTime, RedDragon, Dpzx. The new HUD format allows to display only relevant statistics for every player at the table depending on the situation in the current hand and pre-set conditions, such as players’ positions, the number of players and hands on each player, the colour mark and actions in the hand. Dynamic and Positional HUDs are included into the compilation for playing on 3-9max tables and heads up

Asian rooms are only available for playing from mobile phones and tablets on the base of iOS and Android. However, there’s an opportunity to install Android-emulator and play from a desktop PC.


  • Players don’t use tracking programs and HUDs;
  • The game uses Chinese Yuan (CNY);
  • The minimal limit is NL 400¥ (1$ = 6.6¥);
  • The maximum limit is NL 60,000¥ with ante and deep stacks;
  • Available from playing in all countries;
  • No rake.

What features SHAOLIN DYNAMIC HUD provides at PokerMaster?

  • HUD support for all poker rooms supporting Hand2Note;
  • Support for all types of tables from heads-up to 9-max (NL);
  • Displaying statistics into the HUD according to positions;
  • Dynamic display of preflop and Postflop stats;
  • Different HUDs depending on the number of hands;
  • Advanced preflop / Postflop statistics with increasing hands on the opponent;
  • Additional automatic information on every stat;
  • Convenient and compact popups + popups designed for Straddle play;
  • Clear representation and understanding of opponents’ playing due to detailed statistics;
  • Possibility to analyse own game and opponent on all gaming lines;

Getting Started

1. Sign in to your account: https://gthud.com/eng/personal/private/

2. Download the installation file: https://gthud.com/eng/personal/my-huds/

3. Install into the program folder: C:\Program Files\Hand2Note

4. Go to the section: Presettings SHAOLIN HUD

Presetting shaolin HUD

1. Go to Hand2Note → Configuration:


2. In the first section “HUD” set margins between stats and turn on HUD scaling if necessary (optional):

3. Go to “Popup on Stats” section and specify the settings as shown in the image:

4. In the “Game Types” section, select game discipline, HUD, and popup:



Close the Settings window after clicking on Save!


Import of the handhistory database

Press “IMPORT” in the main program window and select the path, where to import handhistory from:

  • from folder;
  • from file;
  • from database.

Wait for the statistics to be completely built!

First Launch/Adaptation

Below, you can find a brief guide on adaptation for a dynamic profile. It is important to learn all steps in order:

1. You should learn the contents of statistics in HUD panels before running it for the first time:

2. Memorize the colours used for statistics at preflop and postflop. It is also necessary to learn the coloured frames that signify preflop action. You can find colour specifications in the following sections: Color of stats/frames

3. Don’t open more than one table when first placing a HUD. On average, the arrangement takes 30-40 minutes.

4. Take a look at the Popup Assignation scheme: Popups assigned to stats

5. Take a look at the structure of Popups: Contents and structure of popups

6. Add all programs and rooms to antivirus/firewall exceptions and only run as administrator!

7. In the end, to make sure that everything works, it’s necessary to launch all programs, the client and to re-check the connection of the poker room and Hand2Note

An example of a successful connection with the program:

If difficulties occur during the process of adaptation, contact us via email or send your questions to our Skype.
We are online in Skype every day from 8 am to 8 pm Moscow time (GMT+3). If possible, attach screenshots to your message.

TOT Total
STD Straddle
R1 Raise 1st
ISO Isolate
F3 / F3B Fold to 3bet
FS / FSR Fold to Squeeze asRaiser
FSC Fold to Squeeze asCaller
3B / C3B 3bet / Call3bet
4B / C4B 4bet / Call4bet
5B / C5B 5bet / Call5bet
FS Fold vs Steal
LP Limp
LF Limp/Fold
LC Limp/Call
LR Limp/Raise
SQ Squeeze
SF Squeeze/Fold
CC ColdCall
PFR-IP / OOP Preflop Raiser in IP / OOP
C3B-IP / OOP Preflop Call3bet in IP / OOP
CLR-IP / OOP Preflop Caller in IP / OOP
3BP-IP / OOP 3bet Pot in IP / OOP
PvP Position vs Position
MWR / MWC MultiWay Pot asRaiser / asCaller
S-HU / S-MW Squeeze Pot asRaiser HU / MultiWay
S-C Squeeze Pot asCaller
4BP asR 4bet Pot asRaiser
5BP asC 5bet Pot asCaller
LCP LimpCall Pot
CLP Call Limp
CHK Check
CPL Complete
ISO Isolate Limp
FO / FCB Fold to Cbet or Bet
RA Raise
RA+B Raise and Bet
XR CheckRaise
XR+B CheckRaise and Bet
WR Win Raise
XF Check/Fold
FL Float=Bet vs Missed Cbet
DO Donk
CB Cbet
C/F Cbet/Fold
C/3 Cbet/3bet
XBF CheckBehind Fold
XBF+F CheckBehind Fold and Fold
FD Fold vs Donk
RD Raise vs Donk
CC3BP ColdCall3bet Pot
CD4BP Cold4bet Pot = Open4bet Pot

Before contacting support, we strongly recommend checking the possible solutions from this list:

Make sure you have activated the license key in the program Configuration (F12) / Other Options / License;

Make sure that the purchased HUD is linked to this license key Configuration (F12) / Other Options / License, the name of the purchased HUD should be displayed under the license key;

Make sure you use the EDGE subscription if you play in Global Rooms or the PRO subscription if you play in Asian / Chinese poker rooms.


Make sure you have downloaded the latest update of the HUD from your personal account: https://gthud.com/personal/my-huds/

Make sure you have installed the HUD into the program folder: C:\Program Files\Hand2Note. To check if you have, go to C:\Program Files\Hand2Note\Config\Hud profiles, if there are “GT” profiles in the folder,everything has been installed correctly;


Make sure you have adjusted the presettings correctly:
shaolin hud


– If dashes are displayed in all stats fields

Check the current subscription to the program and the HUD you’ve purchased. The subscription and the HUD should not be lower than the limit that you are rebuilding;;

If program limits and the HUD match, but you still experience problems with stats building, go to: Configuration (F12) / Game Types and click “Reset to default”, then re-configure and click Clear and Build stats in the main program window.

If none of the steps helped, create a new database and import the handhistory again: How to delete/create/relocate a database


If no solution from this list helped, try to reinstall Hand2Note by downloading the installer from the website of the program: http://hand2note.com

How to uninstall Hand2Note correctly

If for some reason you do not want to uninstall the program, you can completely remove the HUD and install it again after downloading the installer from your personal account: https://gthud.com/eng/personal/my-huds/

How to uninstall GT-HUD correctly


– Bugs and solutions when playing in Asia/China

Make sure that you have valid ASIA or PRO subscription, or your free trial is still active.

Make sure that you don’t run other converters simultaneously with Hand2Note.

If you use VPN inside the emulator, HUD’s stable operation is not guaranteed. It is recommended to use VPN in Windows if it’s necessary

If nothing helped, please send logs to support@hand2note.com by archiving the folder C:/ProgramFiles/Hand2Note/logs

How to send logs correctly

Appearance HUD

Click on image to enlarge








1. < 100Hands -Total stats preflop and postflop

HUD to your right:

Main stats:
1. Notes, VPIPPFR, Total 3bet, Hands
Total Preflop:
2. Raise1st on Position, Fold3bet-TOT, Limp-TOT, Limp/Fold-TOT, Fold Squeeze asRaiser-TOT
Total bets and folds:
3. BTs – BETs Flop, Turn FOs – FOLDs Flop, Turn

HUD to your left:

Main stats:
1. Notes, VPIPPFR, Total 3bet, Hands
Total Preflop:
2. Fold vs Steal-TOT, ColdCall-TOT, 3bet-TOT, Squeeze-TOT, Squeeze-Fold-TOT
Total bets and folds:
3. FOs – FOLDs Flop, Turn BTs – BETs Flop, Turn


1. 100 < 500Hands – Total stats preflop and postflop

HUD to your right:

Main stats:
1. Notes, VPIPPFR, Total 3bet, Hands
Total Preflop:
2. Raise1st on Position, Fold3bet-TOT, Limp-TOT, Limp/Fold-TOT, Fold Squeeze asRaiser-TOT
Total Postflop:
3. SRPTOT Cbet-Flop, Cbet/fold-Flop, Cbet-Turn C3BP-TOT FoldCbet-Flop, FoldCbet-Turn

Raise1st – is displayed relative to the position.
Different postflop stats are highlighted:
SRP – Single Raised Pot
C3BP – Call 3bet Pot

HUD to your left:

Main stats:
1. Notes, VPIPPFR, Total 3bet, Hands
Total Preflop:
2. Fold vs Steal-TOT, ColdCall-TOT, 3bet-TOT, Squeeze-TOT, Squeeze-Fold-TOT
Total Postflop:
3. SRPTOT FoldCbet-Flop, Raise-Flop, FoldCbet-Turn 3BP-TOT Cbet-Flop, Cbet/fold-Flop


2. > 500Hands – Preflop and postflop stats in IP / OOP

HUD to your right:

Main stats:
1. Notes, VPIPPFR, Total 3bet, Hands
Total Preflop stats + Preflop stats IP/OOP:
2. Raise1st on Position, Fold3bet-IP/OOP, Limp-TOT, Limp/Fold-TOT, Fold Squeeze asRaiser-TOT
Postflop in position / out of position:
3. SRP-IP/OOP Cbet-Flop, Cbet/fold-Flop, Cbet-Turn C3BP-IP/OOP FoldCbet-Flop, FoldCbet-Turn

HUD to your left:

Main stats:
1. Notes, VPIPPFR, Total 3bet, Hands
Total Preflop stats + Preflop stats IP/OOP:
2. Fold vs Steal-TOT, ColdCall-IP/OOP, 3bet-IP/OOP, Squeeze-TOT, Squeeze-Fold-TOT
Postflop in position / out of position:
3. SRP-IP/OOP FoldCbet-Flop, Raise-Flop, FoldCbet-Turn 3BP-IP/OOP Cbet-Flop, Cbet/fold-Flop


2. > 500Hands – Positional stats in late positions

HUD to your right:

Main stats:
1. Notes, VPIPPFR, Total 3bet, Hands
Preflop Position vs.Positions:
2. Raise1st on Position, Fold3bet-PvP, Limp on Pos., Limp/Fold on Pos., Fold Squeeze asRaiser-TOT
Postflop Position vs.Positions:
3. SRP-PvP Cbet-Flop, Cbet/fold-Flop, Cbet-Turn C3BP-PvP FoldCbet-Flop, FoldCbet-Turn

HUD to your left:

Main stats:
1. Notes, VPIPPFR, Total 3bet, Hands
Preflop Position vs.Positions:
2. Fold vs Steal-PvP, ColdCall-PvP, 3bet-PvP, Squeeze-TOT, Squeeze-Fold-TOT
Postflop Position vs.Positions:
3. SRP-PvP FoldCbet-Flop, Raise-Flop, FoldCbet-Turn 3BP-PvP Cbet-Flop, Cbet/fold-Flop

Fold vs Steal

Player on BB

Fold vs Steal BB vs SB
Fold vs Steal BB vs BTN
Fold vs Steal BB vs CO

Player on SB

Fold vs Steal SB vs BTN
Fold vs Steal SB vs CO


1. < 100Hands -Total stats preflop and postflop

HUD to your right:

Main stats:
1. Notes, VPIPPFR, Total 3bet, Hands
2. Total Aggression, WTSDWWSF, Won$D
Total Preflop:
3. Raise1st on Position, Fold3bet-TOT, Limp-TOT, Limp/Fold-TOT, Fold Squeeze asRaiser-TOT
Total bets and folds:
4. BTs – BETs Flop, Turn FOs – FOLDs Flop, Turn

HUD to your left:

Main stats:
1. Notes, VPIPPFR, Total 3bet, Hands
2. Total Aggression, WTSDWWSF, Won$D
Total Preflop:
3. Fold vs Steal-TOT, ColdCall-TOT, 3bet-TOT, Squeeze-TOT, Squeeze-Fold-TOT
Total bets and folds:
4. FOs – FOLDs Flop, Turn BTs – BETs Flop, Turn


1. 100 < 500Hands – Total stats preflop and postflop

HUD to your right:

Main stats:
1. Notes, VPIPPFR, Total 3bet, Hands
2. Total Aggression, WTSDWWSF, Won$D
Total Preflop:
3. Raise1st on Position, Fold3bet-TOT, Limp-TOT, Limp/Fold-TOT, Fold Squeeze asRaiser-TOT
Total Postflop:
4. SRPTOT Cbet-Flop, Cbet/fold-Flop, Cbet-Turn C3BP-TOT FoldCbet-Flop, FoldCbet-Turn

Raise1st – is displayed relative to the position.
Different postflop stats are highlighted:
SRP – Single Raised Pot
C3BP – Call 3bet Pot

HUD to your left:

Main stats:
1. Notes, VPIPPFR, Total 3bet, Hands
2. Total Aggression, WTSDWWSF, Won$D
Total Preflop:
3. Fold vs Steal-TOT, ColdCall-TOT, 3bet-TOT, Squeeze-TOT, Squeeze-Fold-TOT
Total Postflop:
4. SRPTOT FoldCbet-Flop, Raise-Flop, FoldCbet-Turn 3BP-TOT Cbet-Flop, Cbet/fold-Flop

2. > 500Hands – Preflop and postflop stats in IP / OOP

HUD to your right:

Main stats:
1. Notes, VPIPPFR, Total 3bet, Hands
2. Total Aggression, WTSDWWSF, Won$D
Total Preflop stats + Preflop stats IP/OOP:
3. Raise1st on Position, Fold3bet-IP/OOP, Limp-TOT, Limp/Fold-TOT, Fold Squeeze asRaiser-TOT
Postflop in position / out of position:
4. SRP-IP/OOP Cbet-Flop, Cbet/fold-Flop, Cbet-Turn C3BP-IP/OOP FoldCbet-Flop, FoldCbet-Turn

HUD to your left:

Main stats:
1. Notes, VPIPPFR, Total 3bet, Hands
2. Total Aggression, WTSDWWSF, Won$D
Total Preflop stats + Preflop stats IP/OOP:
3. Fold vs Steal-TOT, ColdCall-IP/OOP, 3bet-IP/OOP, Squeeze-TOT, Squeeze-Fold-TOT
Postflop in position / out of position:
4. SRP-IP/OOP FoldCbet-Flop, Raise-Flop, FoldCbet-Turn 3BP-IP/OOP Cbet-Flop, Cbet/fold-Flop

2. > 500Hands – Positional stats in late positions

HUD to your right:

Main stats:
1. Notes, VPIPPFR, Total 3bet, Hands
2. Total Aggression, WTSDWWSF, Won$D
Preflop Position vs.Positions:
3. Raise1st on Position, Fold3bet-PvP, Limp on Pos., Limp/Fold on Pos., Fold Squeeze asRaiser-TOT
Postflop Position vs.Positions:
4. SRP-PvP Cbet-Flop, Cbet/fold-Flop, Cbet-Turn C3BP-PvP FoldCbet-Flop, FoldCbet-Turn

HUD to your left:

Main stats:
1. Notes, VPIPPFR, Total 3bet, Hands
2. Total Aggression, WTSDWWSF, Won$D
Preflop Position vs.Positions:
3. Fold vs Steal-PvP, ColdCall-PvP, 3bet-PvP, Squeeze-TOT, Squeeze-Fold-TOT
Postflop Position vs.Positions:
4. SRP-PvP FoldCbet-Flop, Raise-Flop, FoldCbet-Turn 3BP-PvP Cbet-Flop, Cbet/fold-Flop


Fold vs Steal

Player on BB

Fold vs Steal BB vs SB
Fold vs Steal BB vs BTN
Fold vs Steal BB vs CO

Player on SB

Fold vs Steal SB vs BTN
Fold vs Steal SB vs CO

Stats for Straddle game

Hero on Straddle


F3B – Fold3bet Total
4B – 4bet Total
F5B – Fold5bet Total

FSR – Fold vs Squeeze asRaiser Total



LF – LimpFold
LC – LimpCall
LR – LimpRaise


Player on Straddle


FO – Fold vs EP-CO / BTN / SB / BB
CC – ColdCall vs EP-CO / BTN / SB / BB
3B – 3bet vs EP-CO / BTN / SB / BB



CC – ColdCall vs EP-CO / BTN / SB / BB
3B – 3bet vs EP-CO / BTN / SB / BB
FST – Fold vs EP-CO / BTN / SB / BB

Preflop info-panel

Unknown players – displayed up to 100hands.
Total stat preflop and postflop stats for all situations.
Little-known players – displayed from 100 to 500hands.
Total stat preflop and postflop stats for SRP / C3BP
Regular players – displayed from 500hands.
Preflop and postflop stats for IP / OOP / PvP


Preflop dynamics


TOT – Total
LP – Limp
LF – LimpFold
LC – LimpCall
LR – LimpRaise

If there are samples, positional stats are added


Isolate Limpers

TOT – Total
ISO – Isolate
ISF – IsolateFold
ISC – IsolateCall

If there are samples, positional stats are added


ColdCall / 3bet

CC – Total ColdCall
3B – Total 3bet

If there are samples, positional stats are added


Fold vs Squeeze asRaiser / 4bet vs Squeeze asRaiser

FSR – Total Fold vs Squeeze asRaiser
4BS – Total 4bet vs Squeeze asRaiser

If there are samples, positional stats are added


Fold vs Squeeze asCaller / 4bet vs Squeeze asCaller

FSC – Total Fold vs Squeeze asCaller
4BS – Total 4bet vs Squeeze asCaller

If there are samples, positional stats are added


3bet / Fold vs Cold4bet=Fold vs Open4bet

3B – 3bet
FC4B – Fold vs Cold4bet=Fold vs Open4bet

If there are samples, positional stats are added


Squeeze / Squeeze-Fold

SQZ – Total Squeeze
SQF – Total Squeeze-Fold

If there are samples, positional stats are added


4bet asRaiser

The coloured frame means that there are positional stats in it
Gray frame – Total stats

RFI – Raise1st on position
F3B – Total Fold to 3bet
4BR – Total 4bet Range
F5B – Total Fold to 5bet

If there are samples, the stats are substituted by the positional ones, and the frame becomes full

RFI – Raise1st on position
F3B – Fold to 3bet Position vs Position
4BR – 4bet Range Position vs Position
F5B – Fold to 5bet Position vs Position

Position EP – red
PositionMP – orange
PositionCO – yellow
PositionBTN – green
PositionSB – skyblue
PositionBB – purple


4bet asCaller

The coloured frame means that there are positional stats in it.
Gray frame – Total stats

3Bt – 3bet + t – Total
F4Bt – Total Fold vs 4bet + t – Total
C4Bt – Total Call vs 4bet + t – Total
5Bt – Total 5bet + t – Total

3Bi – 3bet + i – Total IP
F4Bi – Total Fold vs 4bet + i – Total IP
C4Bi – Total Call vs 4bet + i – Total IP
5Bt – Total 5bet + t – Total

3Bo – 3bet + o – Total OOP
F4Bo – Total Fold vs 4bet + o – Total OOP
C4Bo – Total Call vs 4bet + o – Total OOP
5Bt – Total 5bet + t – Total

If there are samples, the stats are substituted by the positional ones, and the frame becomes full.

Postflop dynamics

Preflop dynamics (substitution of postflop stats at preflop)

LCP – LimpCall pot

Postflop stats:
FoldCbet-Flop, Raise-Flop, FoldCbet-Turn, FoldCbet-River


CLR – Caller

Postflop stats:
FoldCbet-Flop, Raise-Flop, FoldCbet-Turn, FoldCbet-River
DO – Donk-Flop, FL – Float-Flop


C3B – Call3bet pot

Postflop stats:
FoldCbet-Flop, Raise-Flop, FoldCbet-Turn, FoldCbet-River
DO – Donk-Flop, FL – Float-Flop


3BP – 3bet pot

Postflop stats:
Cbet-Flop, Cbet/fold-Flop, Cbet-Turn, Cbet-River
XF – CheckFold-Flop, XBF – CheckBehindFlop_Fold-Turn


MWR – Multiway asRaiser

Postflop stats:
Cbet-Flop, Cbet/fold-Flop, Cbet-Turn, Cbet-River


MWC – Multiway asCaller

Postflop stats:
FoldCbet-Flop, Raise-Flop, FoldCbet-Turn, FoldCbet-River


Postflop dynamics

LimpCall Pot

reduced abbreviations

full abbreviations


SRP asRaiser

Position vs Position

If there are not enough indicators, it’s possible to switch to the IP tab quickly

The opponent played CheckBehind Position vs Position

If there are not enough indicators, it’s possible to switch to the IP tab quickly


3BP asCaller

reduced abbreviations

full abbreviations


SRP asCaller

reduced abbreviations

full abbreviations


3BP asRaiser


Other examples of dynamics

Textures of boards


Board Description Example
A/K-High high card А or К http://www.progt-pack.com/pixc/AK-High.png
Q/J-High high card Q or J http://www.progt-pack.com/pixc/QJ-High.png
T/9/8-High high card T or 9 или 8 http://www.progt-pack.com/pixc/T98-High.png
7xx-Low high card 7 and low http://www.progt-pack.com/pixc/7xx-Low.png
88x-High paired from 88 and above http://www.progt-pack.com/pixc/88x-High.png
77x-Low paired from 77 and low http://www.progt-pack.com/pixc/77x-Low.png
3-Broadway three broadway cards http://www.progt-pack.com/pixc/3-broadway.png
3-Flush three flush cards http://www.progt-pack.com/pixc/3-straight.png
3-Straight three straight cards from J and low http://www.progt-pack.com/pixc/3-flush.png
Color of stats and frames


Coloured Frames

Table of distinctions of HUDs

Click on image to enlarge

SHAOLIN HUD 3-9max [easy]

Static HUD with tabs

Appearance HUD

Click on image to enlarge




Features PokerMaster HUD

  • A minimalistic HUD at the preflop;
  • Provides maximum information at the postflop;
  • Support tables with the game Straddle;
  • All stats are located in one HUD panel;
  • Dynamic stats are only displayed when necessary;
  • All actions are additionally signed above the HUD;
  • Positional stats are only displayed when there are samples;
  • Stats for the board texture are only displayed when there are samples;
  • Two HUD versions:
    1. POKERMASTER DYNAMIC HUD 3-9max FULL-abbreviations – with full abbreviations.
    2. POKERMASTER DYNAMIC HUD 3-9max SMALL-abbreviations – with reduced abbreviations.

HUD’s appearance at the table

HUD to your right:

HUD to your left:

Preflop dynamics


LP – Limp
LF – LimpFold
LC – LimpCall
LR – LimpRaise

FCB – FoldCbet-Flop, Raise-Flop, FoldCbet-Turn, FoldCbet-River
LCP – LimpCall Pot


Isolate Limpers

ISO – Isolate Total
ISF – IsolateFold Total
ISC – IsolateCall Total
ISR – IsolateRaise Total



R1 – Raise1st on CO
F3B – Fold to 3bet on CO
4B – 4bet on CO
F5B – Fold to 5bet Total

FSR – Fold vs Squeeze asRaiser on EP-CO
4BS – 4bet vs Squeeze asRaiser on EP-CO


ColdCall Before Hero

CC – ColdCall on BTN
3B – 3bet on BTN
FSC – Fold vs Squeeze asCaller Total
4BS – 4bet vs Squeeze asCaller Total


FC4B – Fold vs Cold4bet = Fold vs Open4bet


CB – Cbet-Flop, Cbet/fold-Flop, Cbet-Turn, Cbet-River
MWR – MultiWay asRaiser

FSB – FoldCbet-Flop, Raise-Flop, FoldCbet-Turn, FoldCbet-River
MWC – MultiWay asCaller


Dynamics examples at the table

Helpful Information for Hand2Note / GT-HUD

POKERMASTER EASY-HUD 3-9max [static_full-version_with tabs]

A static version of HUD for playing at PokerMaster.


  • HUD support for all poker rooms supporting Hand2Note;
  • HUD is equipped with additional TABs;
  • Can be used with PokerGrandMaster Converter;
  • Advanced first TABT;
  • Open access to editing HUD;
  • This HUD contains two versions:
    [GT_POKERMASTER EASYHUD 3-9max [static_full-version_not transparent with tabs]
    [GT_POKERMASTER EASYHUD 3-9max [static_full-version_transparent with tabs]

TABs for player on the right

TABT – Total

Main stats:
1. Notes, VPIPPFR, Total 3bet, Hands, Stack size in BB
2. Total Aggression, WTSDWWSF, Won$D
3. Fold3bet, Limp, Limp/fold, Fold vs Squeeze asRaiser, Isolate, Isolate/fold
4. ColdCall, 3bet, Fold4bet, Fold vs Steal, Squeeze, Squeeze/fold
5. Total: Bet-Flop, Bet-Turn, Bet-River Fold-Flop, Fold-Turn, Fold-River


TABR – Raised Pot

Main stats:
1. Notes, VPIPPFR, Total 3bet, Hands, Stack size in BB
2. Total Aggression, WTSDWWSF, Won$D
3. Raise1st 9max or 6max on Position
4. Fold3bet: Total, IP, OOP, on BTN, on SB, on BB
5. Cbet-Flop, Cbet/fold-Flop, Cbet-Turn, Cbet-River, CheckBehindFold-Turn, Check/fold-Flop
6. Aggression Frequency: Flop, Turn, River


TABL – Limp Pot

Main stats:
1. Notes, VPIPPFR, Total 3bet, Hands, Stack size in BB
2. Total Aggression, WTSDWWSF, Won$D
3. Limp: EP-CO, BTN, SB, Total, 2player, 3player
4. Limp/fold
5. Limp/Call
6. LimpCall Pot: Fold-Flop, Raise-Flop, Fold-Turn, Fold-River
7. Limp Pot: Fold-Flop, Raise-Flop, Fold-Turn, Fold-River
8. Complete: Cbet-Flop, Cbet/fold-Flop, Cbet-Turn, Cbet-River
9. Aggression Frequency: Flop, Turn, River

ISO – isolate
ISF – Isolate/fold
ISC – Isolate/call


TABM – MultiWay Pot

Main stats:
1. Notes, VPIPPFR, Total 3bet, Hands, Stack size in BB
2. Total Aggression, WTSDWWSF, Won$D
3. Cbet-Flop, Cbet-Turn, Cbet-River
4. Cbet/fold-Flop, Cbet/fold-Turn, Cbet/fold-River
5. CheckBehindFold-Turn and Fold-River
6. Check/fold-Flop, Check/fold-Turn, Check/fold-River
7. Aggression Frequency: Flop, Turn, River


TABF – 3bet Pot

Main stats:
1. Notes, VPIPPFR, Total 3bet, Hands, Stack size in BB
2. Total Aggression, WTSDWWSF, Won$D
3. Fold3bet
4. Call3bet
5. 4bet %
6. FoldCbet in 3bet Pot: Fold-Flop, Raise-Flop, Fold-Turn, Fold-River, Float-Flop, Check/fold-Flop
7. Aggression Frequency: Flop, Turn, River


TABS – Straddle

Main stats:
1. Notes, VPIPPFR, Total 3bet, Hands, Stack size in BB
2. Total Aggression, WTSDWWSF, Won$D
3. Total, vs EP-CO, vsBTN, vsSB, vsBB
4. Fold3bet
5. 4bet %
LimpCall Pot
6. IP: Fold-Flop, Fold-Turn, Fold-River
7. OOP: Fold-Flop, Fold-Turn, Fold-River
8. Donk-Flop, Donk-Turn. Donk-River
9. Aggression Frequency: Flop, Turn, River


Tabs for player on the left

TABR – Raised Pot

Main stats:
1. Notes, VPIPPFR, Total 3bet, Hands, Stack size in BB
2. Total Aggression, WTSDWWSF, Won$D
3. ColdCall: Total, IP, OOP, BB vs BTN, SB vs BTN, BB vs BB
4. 3bet
5. Fold4bet
5. FoldCbet-Flop, Raise-Flop, FoldCbet-Turn, FoldCbet-River, Float-Flop, Check/fold-Flop
6. Aggression Frequency: Flop, Turn, River


TABL – Limp Pot

Main stats:
1. Notes, VPIPPFR, Total 3bet, Hands, Stack size in BB
2. Total Aggression, WTSDWWSF, Won$D
3. Limp: EP-CO, BTN, SB, Total, 2player, 3player
4. Limp/fold
5. Limp/Call
6. LimpCall Pot: Fold-Flop, Raise-Flop, Fold-Turn, Fold-River
7. Limp Pot: Fold-Flop, Raise-Flop, Fold-Turn, Fold-River
8. Complete: Cbet-Flop, Cbet/fold-Flop, Cbet-Turn, Cbet-River
9. Aggression Frequency: Flop, Turn, River

ISO – isolate
ISF – Isolate/fold
ISC – Isolate/call


TABM – MultiWay Pot

Main stats:
1. Notes, VPIPPFR, Total 3bet, Hands, Stack size in BB
2. Total Aggression, WTSDWWSF, Won$D
3. Fold-Flop, Fold-Turn, Fold-River
4. Raise-Flop, Raise-Turn, Raise-River
5. Float-Flop, Float-Turn, Float-River
6. Donk-Flop, Donk-Turn, Donk-River
7. Aggression Frequency: Flop, Turn, River


TABF – 3bet Pot

Main stats:
1. Notes, VPIPPFR, Total 3bet, Hands, Stack size in BB
2. Total Aggression, WTSDWWSF, Won$D
3. 3betl: Total, IP, OOP, BB vs BTN, SB vs BTN, BB vs BB
4. Fold4bet
5. Call4bet
6. Cbet in 3bet Pot: Cbet-Flop, Cbet/fold-Flop, Cbet-Turn, Cbet-River, CheckBehindFold-Turn, Check/fold-Flop
7. Aggression Frequency: Flop, Turn, River


TABS – Straddle

Main stats:
1. Notes, VPIPPFR, Total 3bet, Hands, Stack size in BB
2. Total Aggression, WTSDWWSF, Won$D
3. vs EP-CO, vsBTN, vsSB, vsBB
4. Fold
5. ColdCall
6. 3bet
3. Fold-Flop, Fold-Turn, Fold-River
4. Raise-Flop, Raise-Turn, Raise-River
5. Float-Flop, Float-Turn, Float-River
6. Donk-Flop, Donk-Turn, Donk-River
7. Aggression Frequency: Flop, Turn, River

Additional stats in late positions

Player on BB

Fold vs Steal BB vs SB
Fold vs Steal BB vs BTN
Fold vs Steal BB vs CO

Player on SB

Fold vs Steal SB vs BTN
Fold vs Steal SB vs CO

BB or Straddle vs SB Limp


Scheme of the attached popups

Tabs for player on the right

TABT – Total


TABR – Raised Pot


TABL – Limp Pot


TABM – MultiWay Pot


TABF – 3bet Pot


TABS – Straddle


Tabs for player on the left

TABR – Raised Pot


TABF – 3bet Pot


TABS – Straddle

Description of attached popups:
VPIP → popup PF – contains all preflop statistics for the players sitting to your right.
PFR → popup CC – contains all preflop statistics for the players sitting to your left.
WTSD → popup PF vs STD – contains preflop / postflop statistics for the players sitting to your right.
WWSF → popup CC vs STD – contains preflop / postflop statistics for the players sitting to your left.
Won$D → popup MWP – contains postflop statistics for situations MultiWay Pot
Hands/Stack size in BB → popup AGG – contains aggressiveness/passiveness indicators on streets, total bets/folds, and winnings at different bet sizings.
Limp → popup LIMP – contains preflop / postflop statistics for situations: Limp Pot / LimpCall Pot / Complete SB
Squeeze → popup SQZ – contains preflop / postflop statistics for situations: Squeeze
4bet Range → popup 4BPR – contains postflop statistics for situations: 4bet Pot

Popup PS BEFORE – popup contains total postflop stats for the players sitting on your right.
Popup PS AFTER – popup contains total postflop stats for the players sitting on your left.
Popup PFR – contains total postflop stats Raised Pot asRaiser for the players sitting on your right.
Popup CLR – contains total postflop stats Raised Pot asCaller for the players sitting on your left.
Popup C3BP – contains total postflop stats 3bet Pot asCaller for the players sitting on your right.
Popup 3BPR – contains total postflop stats 3bet Pot asRaiser for the players sitting on your left.

When hovering over, “Preflop stats”, diagrams and next player’s actions are displayed.
when clicking on these stats, a general popup with the full list of popups will emerge.

Settings in Game Types

Helpful Information for Hand2Note / GT-HUD

POKERMASTER EASY-HUD 3-9max [static_lite-version_with tabs]

A static version of HUD for playing at PokerMaster.


  • HUD support for all poker rooms supporting Hand2Note;
  • HUD is equipped with additional TABs;
  • Can be used with PokerGrandMaster Converter;
  • Simplified first TABs * T *;
  • Open access to editing HUD;
  • This HUD contains two versions:
    [GT_POKERMASTER EASYHUD 3-9max [static_lite-version_not transparent with tabs]
    [GT_POKERMASTER EASYHUD 3-9max [static_lite-version_transparent with tabs]

TABs for player on the right

TABT – Total

Main stats:
1. Notes, VPIPPFR, Hands, Stack size in BB
3. Fold3bet, Limp, Limp/fold, ColdCall, 3bet
4. Total: Bet-Flop, Bet-Turn Fold-Flop, Fold-Turn Squeeze


TABR – Raised Pot

Main stats:
1. Notes, VPIPPFR, Total 3bet, Hands, Stack size in BB
2. Total Aggression, WTSDWWSF, Won$D
3. Raise1st 9max or 6max on Position
4. Fold3bet: Total, IP, OOP, on BTN, on SB, on BB
5. Cbet-Flop, Cbet/fold-Flop, Cbet-Turn, Cbet-River, CheckBehindFold-Turn, Check/fold-Flop
6. Aggression Frequency: Flop, Turn, River


TABL – Limp Pot

Main stats:
1. Notes, VPIPPFR, Total 3bet, Hands, Stack size in BB
2. Total Aggression, WTSDWWSF, Won$D
3. Limp: EP-CO, BTN, SB, Total, 2player, 3player
4. Limp/fold
5. Limp/Call
6. LimpCall Pot: Fold-Flop, Raise-Flop, Fold-Turn, Fold-River
7. Limp Pot: Fold-Flop, Raise-Flop, Fold-Turn, Fold-River
8. Complete: Cbet-Flop, Cbet/fold-Flop, Cbet-Turn, Cbet-River
9. Aggression Frequency: Flop, Turn, River

ISO – isolate
ISF – Isolate/fold
ISC – Isolate/call


TABF – 3bet Pot

Main stats:
1. Notes, VPIPPFR, Total 3bet, Hands, Stack size in BB
2. Total Aggression, WTSDWWSF, Won$D
3. Fold3bet
4. Call3bet
5. 4bet %
6. FoldCbet in 3bet Pot: Fold-Flop, Raise-Flop, Fold-Turn, Fold-River, Float-Flop, Check/fold-Flop
7. Aggression Frequency: Flop, Turn, River


TABS – Straddle

Main stats:
1. Notes, VPIPPFR, Total 3bet, Hands, Stack size in BB
2. Total Aggression, WTSDWWSF, Won$D
3. Total, vs EP-CO, vsBTN, vsSB, vsBB
4. Fold3bet
5. 4bet %
LimpCall Pot
6. IP: Fold-Flop, Fold-Turn, Fold-River
7. OOP: Fold-Flop, Fold-Turn, Fold-River
8. Donk-Flop, Donk-Turn. Donk-River
9. Aggression Frequency: Flop, Turn, River

Tabs for player on the left

TABR – Raised Pot

Main stats:
1. Notes, VPIPPFR, Total 3bet, Hands, Stack size in BB
2. Total Aggression, WTSDWWSF, Won$D
3. ColdCall: Total, IP, OOP, BB vs BTN, SB vs BTN, BB vs BB
4. 3bet
5. Fold4bet
5. FoldCbet-Flop, Raise-Flop, FoldCbet-Turn, FoldCbet-River, Float-Flop, Check/fold-Flop
6. Aggression Frequency: Flop, Turn, River


TABL – Limp Pot

Main stats:
1. Notes, VPIPPFR, Total 3bet, Hands, Stack size in BB
2. Total Aggression, WTSDWWSF, Won$D
3. Limp: EP-CO, BTN, SB, Total, 2player, 3player
4. Limp/fold
5. Limp/Call
6. LimpCall Pot: Fold-Flop, Raise-Flop, Fold-Turn, Fold-River
7. Limp Pot: Fold-Flop, Raise-Flop, Fold-Turn, Fold-River
8. Complete: Cbet-Flop, Cbet/fold-Flop, Cbet-Turn, Cbet-River
9. Aggression Frequency: Flop, Turn, River

ISO – isolate
ISF – Isolate/fold
ISC – Isolate/call


TABF – 3bet Pot

Main stats:
1. Notes, VPIPPFR, Total 3bet, Hands, Stack size in BB
2. Total Aggression, WTSDWWSF, Won$D
3. 3betl: Total, IP, OOP, BB vs BTN, SB vs BTN, BB vs BB
4. Fold4bet
5. Call4bet
6. Cbet in 3bet Pot: Cbet-Flop, Cbet/fold-Flop, Cbet-Turn, Cbet-River, CheckBehindFold-Turn, Check/fold-Flop
7. Aggression Frequency: Flop, Turn, River


TABS – Straddle

Main stats:
1. Notes, VPIPPFR, Total 3bet, Hands, Stack size in BB
2. Total Aggression, WTSDWWSF, Won$D
3. vs EP-CO, vsBTN, vsSB, vsBB
4. Fold
5. ColdCall
6. 3bet
3. Fold-Flop, Fold-Turn, Fold-River
4. Raise-Flop, Raise-Turn, Raise-River
5. Float-Flop, Float-Turn, Float-River
6. Donk-Flop, Donk-Turn, Donk-River
7. Aggression Frequency: Flop, Turn, River

Additional stats in late positions

Player on BB

Fold vs Steal BB vs SB
Fold vs Steal BB vs BTN
Fold vs Steal BB vs CO

Player on SB

Fold vs Steal SB vs BTN
Fold vs Steal SB vs CO

BB or Straddle vs SB Limp



Scheme of the attached popups

Tabs for player on the right

TABT – Total


TABR – Raised Pot


TABL – Limp Pot


TABM – MultiWay Pot


TABF – 3bet Pot


TABS – Straddle


Tabs for player on the left

TABR – Raised Pot


TABF – 3bet Pot


TABS – Straddle

Description of attached popups:
VPIP → popup PF – contains all preflop statistics for the players sitting to your right.
PFR → popup CC – contains all preflop statistics for the players sitting to your left.
WTSD → popup PF vs STD – contains preflop / postflop statistics for the players sitting to your right.
WWSF → popup CC vs STD – contains preflop / postflop statistics for the players sitting to your left.
Won$D → popup MWP – contains postflop statistics for situations MultiWay Pot
Hands/Stack size in BB → popup AGG – contains aggressiveness/passiveness indicators on streets, total bets/folds, and winnings at different bet sizings.
Limp → popup LIMP – contains preflop / postflop statistics for situations: Limp Pot / LimpCall Pot / Complete SB
Squeeze → popup SQZ – contains preflop / postflop statistics for situations: Squeeze
4bet Range → popup 4BPR – contains postflop statistics for situations: 4bet Pot

Popup PS BEFORE – popup contains total postflop stats for the players sitting on your right.
Popup PS AFTER – popup contains total postflop stats for the players sitting on your left.
Popup PFR – contains total postflop stats Raised Pot asRaiser for the players sitting on your right.
Popup CLR – contains total postflop stats Raised Pot asCaller for the players sitting on your left.
Popup C3BP – contains total postflop stats 3bet Pot asCaller for the players sitting on your right.
Popup 3BPR – contains total postflop stats 3bet Pot asRaiser for the players sitting on your left.

When hovering over, “Preflop stats”, diagrams and next player’s actions are displayed.
when clicking on these stats, a general popup with the full list of popups will emerge.

Settings in Game Types

Helpful Information for Hand2Note / GT-HUD

POKERMASTER EASY-HUD 3-9max [static_not tabs]

A static version of HUD for playing at PokerMaster.


  • HUD support for all poker rooms supporting Hand2Note;
  • Fully static HUD as in HM2 / PT4;
  • Can be used with PokerGrandMaster Converter;
  • Open access to editing HUD;
  • This HUD contains two versions:
    [GT_POKERMASTER EASYHUD 3-9max [static_full-version_not tabs]
    [GT_POKERMASTER EASYHUD 3-9max [static_lite-version_not tabs]

Full version

Main stats:
1. Notes, Nickname, Total Limp, Hands
2. VPIPPFRWTSDWWSF, Won$D, Stack size in BB
3. Raise1st 9max or 6max on Position: EP, MP, CO, BTN, SB
4. Fold3bet IP, Fold3bet OOP, 4bet Range, ColdCall, 3bet, Squeeze
5. Total: Bet-Flop, Bet-Turn, Bet-River Fold-Flop, Fold-Turn, Fold-River


Lite version

Main stats:
1. Notes, VPIPPFR, Total Limp, Hands
2. Total Aggression, WTSDWWSF, Won$D%, Stack size in BB
3. Raise1st 9max or 6max on Position: EP, MP, CO, BTN, SB
4. Fold3bet IP, Fold3bet OOP, 4bet Range, ColdCall, 3bet
5. Total: Bet-Flop, Bet-Turn Fold-Flop, Fold-Turn Squeeze

Additional stats in late positions or on Straddle

Player on BB

Fold vs Steal BB vs SB
Fold vs Steal BB vs BTN
Fold vs Steal BB vs CO

Player on SB

Fold vs Steal SB vs BTN
Fold vs Steal SB vs CO

BB or Straddle vs SB Limp


Scheme of the attached popups

Full version


Lite version

Description of attached popups:
VPIP → popup PF – contains all preflop statistics for the players sitting to your right.
PFR → popup CC – contains all preflop statistics for the players sitting to your left.
WTSD → popup PF vs STD – contains preflop / postflop statistics for the players sitting to your right.
WWSF → popup CC vs STD – contains preflop / postflop statistics for the players sitting to your left.
Won$D → popup MWP – contains postflop statistics for situations MultiWay Pot
Hands/Stack size in BB → popup AGG – contains aggressiveness/passiveness indicators on streets, total bets/folds, and winnings at different bet sizings.
Limp → popup LIMP – contains preflop / postflop statistics for situations: Limp Pot / LimpCall Pot / Complete SB
Squeeze → popup SQZ – contains preflop / postflop statistics for situations: Squeeze
4bet Range → popup 4BPR – contains postflop statistics for situations: 4bet Pot

Popup PS BEFORE – popup contains total postflop stats for the players sitting on your right.
Popup PS AFTER – popup contains total postflop stats for the players sitting on your left.
Popup PFR – contains total postflop stats Raised Pot asRaiser for the players sitting on your right.
Popup CLR – contains total postflop stats Raised Pot asCaller for the players sitting on your left.
Popup C3BP – contains total postflop stats 3bet Pot asCaller for the players sitting on your right.
Popup 3BPR – contains total postflop stats 3bet Pot asRaiser for the players sitting on your left.

When hovering over, “Preflop stats”, diagrams and next player’s actions are displayed.
when clicking on these stats, a general popup with the full list of popups will emerge.

Settings in Game Types

Helpful Information for Hand2Note / GT-HUD

SHAOLIN HU-HUD [dynamic]


Preflop Before Hero:

Preflop After Hero:


Postflop Before Hero:

Postflop After Hero:


Raised Pot asRaiser:

Raised Pot asCaller:


3bet Pot asRaiser:

3bet Pot asCaller:


4bet Pot asRaiser:

4bet Pot asCaller:


Limp Pot:

LimpCall Pot:


Check on BB

Isolate on BB

Additional stats



SHAOLIN HU-HUD [positional]
SHAOLIN HU-HUD [positional_sb+bb]
SHAOLIN HU-HUD [positional_with-tabs]
PFR Preflop Raiser
CLR Preflop Caller
C3B 3bet pot asCaller
3BR 3bet pot asRaiser
ISC Isolate pot asCaller
ISR Isolate pot asRaiser
F3 Fold to 3bet
CC ColdCall
3B / C3 3bet / Call3bet
4B / C4 / F4 4bet / Call4bet / Fold4bet
5B / F5 5bet / Fold5bet
FS Fold vs Steal
LP Limp
LF Limp/Fold
LC Limp/Call
LR Limp/Raise
LRP Limp/Raise Premium
CH / X Check BB
ISO Isolate
I/F Isolate/Fold
I/C Isolate/Call
I/R Isolate/Raise
CB Cbet
C/F Cbet/Fold
XBF CheckBehind Fold
FO / FCB Fold to Cbet
RA Raise
XR Check/Raise
DO Donk
FL Float (Missed)
DCB Delayed Cbet
FvD Fold vs Delayed
DCB Delayed Cbet
RV River
BW BetWin-River
BF Bet/Fold-River



Contents and structure of popups

Popups structure

We will take the PFR-IP popup as an example

Frames contain linked stats:

  • Bet + Bet
  • Fold + Fold
  • Bet + Raise

Cbet/fold-Flop and Fold-Turn and Fold-River

CheckBehindFold-Turn and Fold-River

Delayed-Turn and Bet-River

Cbet on different textures


Popup AGG

In this block there are total bets and folds

Block with total winnings on the river asRaiser and asCaller

Block with Showdown stats

SRP – Single Raised Pot
3BP – 3bet Pot

Preflop popup:

Preflop popups with the game Straddle

Depending on the number of hands and positions on the opponent, different postflop popups are displayed:

< 500Hands – Popups with total stats

> 500Hands – Popups with stats IP/OOP


> 500Hands – Popups with advanced stats

Preflop Raiser

Preflop Caller 3bet



Examples of dark popups

Popups assigned to stats

1. VPIP → popup PF – popup contains all preflop statistics for the players sitting to your right.
1. PFR → popup СС – popup contains all preflop statistics for the players sitting to your left.

1. Hands → popup AGG – popup contains aggressiveness/passiveness indicators on streets, total bets/folds, and winnings at different bet sizings.

3. When hovering over, “Preflop stats”, diagrams and next player’s actions are displayed.
when clicking on these stats, a general popup with the full list of popups will emerge.

4. → postflop popup in SRP / 3bet Pot
